Pay your invoice

If you have received an invoice from us you can pay for it in the ways listed below. However you decide to pay, you’ll need to have your invoice number as a reference.

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    Pay online

    If you've already been sent an invoice, you can pay for TheMusicLicence quickly and securely online via sage pay. Please click on Pay Online to pay your invoice.

    To request a copy of your invoice, please complete the request form.

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    Direct Debit

    Spread the rest of the cost of your licence with a Direct Debit. You can either call, or pay safely and securely via sage pay by clicking 'Pay By Direct Debit'.

    Please call us to setup a direct debit:

    0800 0720 808
    (8am–6pm, Monday–Friday)

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    By phone

    To pay your invoice over the phone using a credit/debit card, call:

    0800 0720 808
    (8am–6pm, Monday–Friday)
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    For BACS or Faster Payment, please use our account details:

    • Barclays Bank Plc

    Please allow the following time for payments to clear:

    • BACS: 5 working days 
    • Faster Payment: 1 working day

    Important: Please quote your Payment Reference as specified on your remittance advice. Without this information we are unable to process your payment.