What we do

PPL PRS Ltd is a joint venture between the UK’s two music licensing organisations – PPL and PRS for Music.

Previously, businesses had to obtain a separate music licence from both PPL and PRS for Music. However, they have come together to form PPL PRS and launched TheMusicLicence to provide a streamlined music licensing service, with a single point of contact, to make it easier to legally play and perform music in public.

Who is PPL PRS?

If you play or perform music in your business, you will usually need TheMusicLicence and that’s where we come in.

TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS allows you to legally play music in your business or organisation and covers virtually all commercially released music. This includes millions of the most popular and well-loved songs and recordings, not just from the UK but also from around the world.  

What is TheMusicLicence?

Under The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public.

TheMusicLicence gives you this permission, in relation to the vast majority of commercially available music. This ranges from grassroots and independent artists and composers through to the biggest names in the business. 

Where does my money go?

Other than our business costs, all of your licence fee actually goes back to the talented, passionate people who write, perform, compose, record or publish the music.

So by purchasing TheMusicLicence for your business, you are supporting the future of music by helping to ensure its creators are fairly rewarded for their work.

Who are our parent companies?

PPL and PRS for Music have been working in music rights management for decades, to find out who they are, what they do and the members the represent, click on the images below.


PPL license recorded music when it is broadcast on radio, TV, online and via other media. The money collected is then distributed to the performers and rightsholders they represent.

PRS for Music

PRS for Music is a society of songwriters, composers & music publishers. They pay royalties to their members when their work is performed, streamed, downloaded, reproduced, played in public or used in film & TV.

Both organisations ensure that the creators and performers of music are paid when their music is used in public.

They will continue to carry out everything else they do separately, other than public performance licensing. This includes representing their members, collecting monies owed to them from international societies, independently consulting on, and negotiating on, their tariff rates and licensing their broadcast, online and recorded media customers.


We are a passionate team who truly believe in protecting the value of music. So, if you’re a determined individual who is dedicated to providing quality customer service, solving problems and seeing projects through to completion then find out more about working for PPL PRS.

PPL PRS in the Press

See the latest news featuring PPL PRS Ltd.

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As a professional motorcycle racer, Brayden Elliott sweeps through the rest of the season, we take a look at his successes. From just 4 years old racing for fun, to now competing in the Bennetts British Superbike Championship – one of the UK’s major road racing events for domestic superbikes, how does Brayden stay motivated?

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How do I get TheMusicLicence?

Call us on
0116 290 0525

(8am-6pm, Monday-Friday)

Alternatively, complete the online form and an adviser will be in touch.