Success Story:

The Workplace Depot



The Workplace Depot is a leading industrial and workplace stockist, selling everything from industrial supplies to office equipment.

After launching as Central Source in 1991, before rebranding to The Workplace Depot in 2012, the company has continued to grow and now source over 20,000 products from more than 120 global manufacturers.

Having been nominated twice for Employer of the Year at the Family Business Awards, The Workplace Depot understand how important it is to create a great place to work for employees and believe music is an incredibly important part of this.

With two warehouses and an open plan office space for the various teams including Finance, Customer Service and Marketing, The Workplace Depot use music throughout the workplace for the enjoyment and wellbeing of their employees. 

It makes you feel definitely more part of the team and part of a family that they’re paying for TheMusicLicence because it shows that the company does actually care about its employees. They’re willing to spend money on us, so we feel better whilst we’re working.” 

Mikey Dahdah, Warehouse Operative.

Watch the full success story to find out how The Workplace Depot use music to stay in tune:

In Conversation with The Workplace Depot

How does music help to enhance the working environment and make it more enjoyable? 

“When we’re working, the first thing we do is put the radio on, it gives everyone a bit of energy in the morning. On Friday, what I like to do when it’s my turn to pick, I like to play party music, quite upbeat music, just to get ready for the weekend. I feel like it would definitely be a whole different atmosphere at work if there wasn’t any music because obviously it’s just a lot quieter, it just doesn’t feel right.” – Mikey Dahdah, Warehouse Operative.

Where does The Workplace Depot use music and how important is it to the business?

“We use music everywhere in the business really, we use it in the office upstairs, we have different stations for all the different teams, so we have customer service, finance and marketing. For myself, working in a creative role, it’s so important to have music on to get you through the days, get you through certain tasks, just excite me a little bit more and get me into that creative space.” – Annabelle Earps, Digital PR Manager.

How important is the right kind of music for creating a harmonious and productive workplace? 

“A lot of employees can believe that it can be a really huge distraction to their employees, but personally I think it really helps me and really helps everyone else as well… I’ve had previous roles where I have dreaded going into work whereas here, it’s really, really a place I enjoy.” Annabelle Earps, Digital PR Manager.  

I believe it’s so important to support the music industry, if I’m allowed to be rewarded for my creativity, I do believe artists should be as well.  The process to buy a music licence is so easy and so efficient.”

Annabelle Earps, Digital PR Manager.

Does music help with fatigue and being on your feet all day?

“My day-to-day is dropping down of all the pallets and then taking the stock from the overflow into the main warehouse. Music helps with fatigue because, like for example, in the gym some people use upbeat music to motivate them, and the same sort of scenario we use out here.”– Mikey Dahdah, Warehouse Operative.

Already have TheMusicLicence? Would you like to tell the story of how your business uses music for your customers and employees? If you are interested in being involved in one of our success stories, please contact to find out more. 

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Success Stories

Read Hamlins full top tips for using background sounds in their offices


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