How music enhances the experience at garden centres

People flock to garden centres to feel inspired… they might want to refresh their outdoor space through neighbour envy or through feeling ashamed.
Either way, once they reach the garden centre, they feel energised and full of optimism, when it comes to creating your dream garden, there’s no better place to be.
In a recent survey, PPL PRS aimed to discover the factors that attract customers to garden centres by asking shoppers about their priorities when selecting a garden centre, as well as what they observe once they are there.

Plant quality

Nearly half (48%) of garden centre shoppers say that plant quality is the most important factor that draws them into a centre, but it’s the ambience created by music that keeps them inside.

According to a survey*, over four-fifths (82%) of shoppers like listening to music while visiting a centre, and 43% of shoppers noticed when their garden centre played music.

Some of the reasons consumers cited for enjoying a musical accompaniment to their shopping trip include:

  • It boosts their mood (51%)
  • It entices them to buy more (14%)
  • They spend longer in a garden centre when music is playing (10%)

While the quality and placement of plants are crucial, they are not factors that garden centers can entirely regulate. What management can shape, however, is the ambiance in the center.

Background music

One way to achieve this is by creating a customized playlist that suits the garden centre’s theme and target customers, guaranteeing an atmosphere that entices customers to return.

The top five genres that customers enjoy hearing in garden centres are:

  • Chill-out (43%)
  • Pop (32%)
  • Classical (21%)
  • Country (12%)

It was discovered that over 40% of shoppers only visit a garden centre a few times annually, with avid gardeners (39%) reporting monthly visits.

Therefore, creating a memorable experience with a hospitable ambience is crucial in attracting shoppers and potentially generating word-of-mouth marketing as patrons recommend the establishment to loved ones.

In a previous survey**, PPL PRS discovered that over 67% of individuals confessed to leaving a place because they found it too quiet – hence, altering the ambience can have a significant impact on customers’ thought process.

Additionally, 10% of shoppers claimed that playing music made them want to spend more time in a garden centre.


As shoppers admit that they don’t frequently visit garden centres, taking advantage of seasonality can encourage both new and returning customers.

For instance, school holidays are a time when parents look to keep their kids entertained, so organising family-friendly events during summer holidays can attract more visitors to garden centres.

Reviews & recommendations

Providing a pleasant experience for customers can greatly affect reviews and recommendations, as word-of-mouth marketing can greatly benefit any business.

This is a simple yet effective means of making a center more attractive to potential shoppers who come across these positive reviews.


*A survey of 500 UK respondents by Attest in October 2022.   

**A survey of 2,101 UK respondents by Perspectus Global in September 2021. 



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