Coronation celebrations fit for a king

On Saturday 6th May, King Charles III will be officially crowned at the Coronation at Westminster Abbey.

Historically events such as this have brought communities together to host street parties and events to celebrate the crowning of a new monarch for the UK. Are you Coronation ready?

How are you planning to celebrate?

For some, this might be spent getting together with neighbours and friends at street parties or village fetes. For others it may be watching the Coronation on a big screen, celebrating with thousands of others who have congregated at one of the 30 sites around the UK. Some may choose to sit at home with an afternoon tea and toast the new King from their front room.

Marking such a special occasion probably means that for many, plans for how they might spend the long weekend ahead have already begun, including thinking carefully about the places to go to have the best experience and really get into the celebratory spirit.

We surveyed 500 UK adults about their plans for the Coronation, and over 44% are definitely planning to celebrate, with 26.6% undecided of their plans as yet.*

Whilst 39% said they plan to celebrate at a street party or with family, as a business owner or manager, this could be your opportunity to entice Coronation revellers in by putting up royal themed décor to create the right mood, or playing music to enhance the atmosphere and provide a space that feels celebratory and positive.

King Charles coronation logo

Just imagine your customers celebrating with an afternoon tea whilst listening to a themed playlist, or enjoying upbeat songs that get them in the mood for the weekend ahead, as they browse for a new outfit or their last-minute party essentials.

Playing music could help to set the tone, make people feel more positive and help to create exactly the right atmosphere that your customers are looking for.

In another of our surveys, 40% of people said that they were more likely to indulge in an extra treat if music, in particular pop music, is being played**. Using music in your business, including live music and DJ sets could help to give your business a more appealing feel, bring people together and help to create an environment that is more memorable.

Getting the lyrics right

As you decorate and plan for your Coronation themed events, now may also be a good opportunity to brush up on the lyrics for the national anthem, which haven’t used the word ‘King’ since 1952.

Get TheMusicLicence

Whatever your plans this Coronation weekend, ensure you are correctly licensed to hold your events and play music.

The GOV.UK website has advice on which permits and licences you may need to host a community event, however if you are unsure about the need for TheMusicLicence please give us a call and we can check the type of event you are holding and if you need a licence.


*Survey performed by Attest based on 500 UK adults, in April 2023
**Research performed by PPL PRS in relation to TheMusicLicence, February – March 2020. Figures based on a group of 73 participants.


Ready to play music?

Set up a new music licence for your business or organisation.Get TheMusicLicence



Read the Coronation of King Charles III Discretionary policy.