Get off to a flying start during the Grand National this April

On your marks

Whether it’s organising sweep stakes, setting up the big screen, or stocking up on extra drinks for the bar, preparing your venue for the Grand National later this month is no doubt well underway.

From setting up your ‘specials’ boards, to working out your rotas, you have probably already thought about most things, but have you also thought about making sure you are correctly licensed to show the race – including the music used as part of the broadcasts?

It can be a little confusing, which is why have put together a quick guide to help to ensure you can get off to a flying start this Grand National.


Know your licences

Obviously, a TV licence will be required to show the race to your customers. However, sports programming uses more music than people often realise, such as in the opening and closing titles, highlights and featured sequences, as well as the advertisements during commercial breaks.  You’ll therefore usually need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd if you’re using the television for showing sports and other programming in public.

Empty bar with TV on

Why do I need a TV licence and a music licence?

A TV licence allows you to receive the broadcast signal to the television within your business. However, it does not give you permission to play or perform the music within the broadcast. 

Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public.

TheMusicLicence gives you that permission, for virtually all commercially released music available.

So, this Grand National, make sure you are correctly licensed to entertain and immerse your customers, from the first hurdle to the very last leg.



Ready to play music?

Set up a new music licence for your business or organisation.

Get TheMusicLicence