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TheMusicLicence FAQs

  • If you play or perform music in your business or organisation, the chances are you need TheMusicLicence.

    Under The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders โ€“ those people who create music โ€“ in order to play or perform music in public

    Obtaining TheMusicLicence gives you this permission, in relation to the vast majority of commercially available music. This ranges from grassroots and independent artists and composers through to the biggest names in the business.

    The music is only for the employees, do I still need TheMusicLicence?

    Even if you are only playing music in your business or organisation for employees, then youโ€™ll usually need TheMusicLicence.

    Music that's played outside of a domestic environment is classed as a public performance, even if the music can only be heard by employees in the workplace, canteen or staff areas.

    TheMusicLicence gives you permission to play music in your business or organisation for your employees.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I work alone, do I still need TheMusicLicence?

    If you are using music in a business or organisation that has employees, customers or visitors to the premises then you will usually need TheMusicLicence.

    PPL and PRS for Music do however operate a discretionary policy whereby they do not apply a charge to homeworkers (within a private residence working on their own) or for workplaces with only one worker, where music is not made available to any visitors/customers coming onto the premises.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I only play the radio, why do I need TheMusicLicence?

    If you are playing the radio in your business or organisation, youโ€™ll usually need TheMusicLicence. Although the radio stations pay both PPL and PRS for Music for the right to broadcast, it does not include playing the radio in public, such as business premises.

    TheMusicLicence allows you to legally play music for employees, customers or visitors in your business or organisation.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I only use the TV to play sports, why do I need a TheMusicLicence?

    Sports programming uses more music than people realise, such as opening and closing titles, highlights and featured sequences as well as the advertisements during commercial breaks. You'll therefore usually need TheMusicLicence to use the television for showing sports and other programming in public.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I already have a TV licence, why do I need TheMusicLicence?

    It is easy to forget that music is used all the time within TV programmes, advertisements during commercial breaks and other broadcasts. A TV licence only allows you to receive the broadcast signal for the television.

    If you wish to use the TV in public, such as at your business premises, you will usually need TheMusicLicence to cover the music included in those programmes.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I have music on my telephone on hold system, do I need TheMusicLicence?

    If you are using commercially-released music on your telephone system in your business or organisation, then youโ€™ll usually need TheMusicLicence.

    The music on your telephone system is being played for your customers and is classed as public performance. In some cases, PPL and PRS for Music have agreements in place with telephone on hold music suppliers who provide you with TheMusicLicence as part of the service they offer.

    If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I use music at an educational establishment, do I still need TheMusicLicence?

    If you are using music in an educational establishment, including nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups, crรจches, schools, sixth forms, colleges or universities, please contact us to discuss your music usage so we can ensure you are correctly licensed.

    If you are unsure about whether you need TheMusicLicence for your music, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I use a royalty free music supplier, do I still need a licence?

    TheMusicLicence covers virtually all commercially released music available. Where you have chosen not to use that music, there are a number of circumstances where you may not need TheMusicLicence.

    If you do not think that the music you use is covered by PPL PRS you should ask for confirmation from your supplier. If you then forward the confirmation through to us, we will update our records.

    If you are unsure about whether you need TheMusicLicence for your music, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    I use international music, do I need TheMusicLicence?

    Not only do PPL and PRS for Music represent millions of musical compositions and recordings from UK artists and music creators. They also represent international artists and music creators through over 100 affiliated societies, that all operate under reciprocal agreements, in over 150 different countries around the world.

    The royalties collected are passed to the relevant overseas society who will in turn pay the artists and music creators. So, if the international music is covered by a reciprocal agreement, you will require TheMusicLicence.

    If you are unsure about whether you need TheMusicLicence for your music, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    If I have already purchased the music, why do I need to pay for a licence?

    Purchasing music either digitally on a CD, record or tape permits you to listen to it at home for your personal use. However, if this music is played outside your home as a public performance, then youโ€™ll usually need TheMusicLicence.

    If you're unsure about whether you need TheMusicLicence for your music, please contact us.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)
  • The cost of TheMusicLicence for a particular business or organisation depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the business or organisation and the ways it uses music.

    Things like the size of a business are measured in different ways under different tariffs, depending on what is appropriate for each business type. So, to calculate your fee, we may need you to provide information such as square meterage, number of employees, or venue capacity. We may also need to know the types of devices you use to play recorded music, and information about any live performances of music.

    PPL and PRS for Music will continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other. Those tariffs will be applied by PPL PRS Ltd when issuing TheMusicLicence to customers. PPL and PRS for Music will each continue to review the cost of their respective tariffs from time to time, but the launch of TheMusicLicence will not in itself affect the costs under those tariffs.

  • New customers

    If you donโ€™t currently have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation, but are planning an event that includes the playing or performing of music in public, we can arrange for a temporary permit to cover the music usage at the event.

    Please contact us to arrange a temporary permit for your event.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Existing customers

    If you already have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation and need to include an event on your music usage, we can amend your music usage in your existing licence to ensure you are legally covered for the music at your event.

    Please contact us to amend your music usage.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Charity & Community Events

    Charity and community organisations may apply for a discount against the standard royalty made for events or featured music sessions in certain circumstances.

    Before you apply for Charity and Community Discount, please make sure that you have read the qualification criteria for a possible discount.

  • The fees payable for TheMusicLicence are not a form of tax.

    We work on behalf of our parent companies, PPL and PRS for Music, who between them, represent thousands of music creators whose music is protected by copyright, and whose permission is therefore needed in order to play or perform music in public.

    When businesses and organisations purchase TheMusicLicence, after deduction of our business costs, all of the licence fees collected flow back to PPL and PRS for Music to process, allocate and distribute royalties to the music creators they represent.

    Learn more about PPL and PRS for Music and where the money goes.

  • To play music at your political campaign, you will need to make a request to the rights holder in advance to playing their music, as it will be under copyright law. During elections, you may want to include a catchy walk on song or a fun jingle to resonate with your party and make it a memorable campaign.

    The creators of this music will be protected Under The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, meaning the creators and rights holders have the exclusive right to choose how their work is used, including public performances.

    By contacting the relevant people and seeking permission, it ensures the music aspect of your campaign is all above board and legally compliant. By making the request before using their music, itโ€™ll prevent potential distributions or negative connotations by using unauthorised music.

    Terms & Conditions of TheMusicLicence, administered by PPL PRS Ltd, explicitly exclude the political use of music without the permission of the relevant rights owners.

    The responsibility for obtaining the Music Licence depends on where the performance takes place:

    • If the performance is within premises covered by TheMusicLicence for background music (e.g. a hotel, pub, conference centre), the venue is responsible for obtaining the licence.
    • If the performance is in a venue or area not normally licensed (e.g. a park or street), the candidate or party should obtain TheMusicLicence directly from PPL PRS Ltd after securing permission from rights owners.

    For more advice on navigating the use of music in political campaigns, you can read more from PPL as they further outline the specific terms and conditions of using music within a political campaign.

  • You can view TheMusicLicence Terms and Conditions online.

  • TheMusicLicence allows you to legally play and perform music in your business, whether through the radio, TV, other digital devices and/or live performances.

    If you play or perform music in your business or organisation in the UK, you will usually need TheMusicLicence. It will cover you, with one licence and one invoice, for the use of virtually all commercially released music available โ€“ millions of songs and recordings, including the most popular and well-loved music not just from the UK, but also from around the world.

  • Whatever your business โ€“ coffee shop, beauty or hair salon, cocktail bar or restaurant, clothing retailer or offices, factories and workplaces - music has the potential to enhance the experience you provide to your customers, visitors and employees.

    The music you play can be as much a part of your brand image as your logo. It could be the deciding factor for a customer when choosing between you and your competitors!

    Purchasing TheMusicLicence for your music usage ensures you are legally entitled to play millions of commercially released songs and recordings from all over the world. And in doing so, you are also helping the writers and performers to be fairly rewarded for their work.

    Get TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation and put the essential energy of music at the heart of your business!


  • Your licence fee payments (or โ€œroyaltiesโ€) are based on published terms and prices (known as โ€œtariffsโ€). PPL and PRS for Music set their tariffs separately from each other, with a range of different tariffs to cater for different business types and different ways of using music.

    Certain PRS for Music tariffs may apply a 50% increase on the applicable standard rate under those tariffs for the first year of the licence. This increase, known as a Higher Royalty Rate, would only apply if you were playing music without the appropriate licence, before being contacted by PPL PRS Ltd. It is applied to help cover our costs of identifying and contacting businesses and organisations using music without a licence.

    After the first year of your licence, royalties will be payable at the applicable standard rate under the relevant tariff.

    If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)
  • The cost of TheMusicLicence for a particular business or organisation depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the business or organisation and the ways it uses music.

    Things like the size of a business are measured in different ways under different tariffs, depending on what is appropriate for each business type. So, to calculate your fee, we may need you to provide information such as square meterage, number of employees, or venue capacity. We may also need to know the types of devices you use to play recorded music, and information about any live performances of music.

    PPL and PRS for Music will continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other. Those tariffs will be applied by PPL PRS Ltd when issuing TheMusicLicence to customers. PPL and PRS for Music will each continue to review the cost of their respective tariffs from time to time, but the launch of TheMusicLicence will not in itself affect the costs under those tariffs.

  • PPL and PRS for Music apply minimum fees to their tariffs. The fee is applicable as there is a cost attributable to PPL and PRS for Music for the administrative effort in licensing organisations. The minimum fee ensures these costs are not paid from the revenue collected from licensees.

    As PPL and PRS for Music continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other, the minimum fee is also set separately.

    For PPL the minimum fee is applicable to each licensee irrespective of the tariff they are licensed under. This fee increases annually in line with RPI and is currently [ยฃ59.76] plus VAT.

    PRS for Music have a minimum charge which is specific to each tariff. You are able to find the minimum charges by viewing the tariffs.

    Please note that a minimum fee is only applied to a licence once per year.

  • PPL and PRS for Music have launched TheMusicLicence to make music licensing simpler for their customers, but they continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other.

    Those tariffs are then applied by PPL PRS Ltd when issuing TheMusicLicence to customers.

    PPL and PRS for Music will each continue to review the cost of their respective tariffs from time to time, but the launch of TheMusicLicence has not in itself affected the costs under those tariffs.

  • If you have been playing or performing music before you obtain TheMusicLicence, we may include appropriate charges for prior music usage on your invoice. This is to ensure that you are correctly licensed for that prior usage.

    Our ability to apply back charges in this way arises from the fact that playing or performing music without the appropriate licence in place is copyright infringement. Legally, business or organisations infringing copyright in this way can be liable to pay for up to six years' prior music use.

    If you have any queries about how or why a back charge has been applied, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    We offer Direct Debit payment plans to help you spread the cost of TheMusicLicence.

  • PPL and PRS for Music have launched TheMusicLicence to make music licensing simpler for their customers, but they continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other.

    Those tariffs are then applied by PPL PRS Ltd when issuing TheMusicLicence to customers. PPL and PRS for Music will each continue to review the cost of their respective tariffs from time to time, but the launch of TheMusicLicence has not in itself affected the costs under those tariffs.

    If you already had both licences, then the amount you will pay will not change as a result of switching to TheMusicLicence (though it may be slightly different from what you paid previously to reflect changes in usages and any adjustments provided for by the applicable PRS for Music and PPL tariffs).

    However, some businesses or organisations may have previously only purchased one of these two licences (either from PPL or PRS for Music) even where they legally required both licences. If this applies to you, then it is likely that TheMusicLicence will cost more than you paid before, as it will give you the legal permission you need (but did not previously have) from both PPL and PRS for Music.

    View the tariffs and find out more about how the cost is calculated.

  • A number of PPLโ€™s tariffs are subject to a 50% surcharge to discourage unlicensed music use and late payment of royalties, and to compensate for the associated costs.

    It's important to pay your invoice in full by the due date, otherwise a surcharge may be applied to your account if your licence is based on one of these tariffs.

    If a surcharge is applied, a separate surcharge invoice will be issued.

  • Where businesses or organisations are using music which require a music licence, it's important to obtain and pay for TheMusicLicence so that you can use the music lawfully and so that the music creators can be fairly paid.

    If payment for TheMusicLicence has not been made by the due date outlined on your invoice, we will attempt to contact you again to remind you that payment is due. If we do not hear from you, and payment has still not been made, you may be contacted by a specialist third party debt collection agency regarding payment of the outstanding balance.

    If you have been contacted by a debt collections agency please contact them using the details they will have provided to make payment.

    If you have any questions regarding your invoice, the benefits music can bring, or the legal requirements for TheMusicLicence, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    8amโ€“6pm, Mondayโ€“Friday


  • For most customers (unless for example it is for a one-off event), TheMusicLicence renews automatically each year. Where music is a key aspect of the business (i.e clubs, fitness etc) we will contact you to conduct a manual review to understand any changes in your music usage.

    We will let you know in advance what royalties are due for the next licence period. It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay. Please refer to TheMusicLicence Terms and Conditions for more information.

    Need more information?

    Should you wish to speak to us regarding your renewal, amend usage, or update your information, please get in touch with our Customer Service Team and an adviser will take you through your licence renewal.
    0116 290 0525
    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • Once you have paid for your licence or arranged a direct debit, you will be legally permitted to play or perform the vast majority of commercially released music from around the world, in accordance with TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions.

    Your licence confirmation will be sent to you either via email or post (depending on your chosen communication method).

    If you would like to change your preferred communication method, please speak to Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    If you have requested to receive your communication via post, then you will receive a window sticker to show you have TheMusicLicence for your premises, which we hope you will proudly display this in your business.

    If you would like to request a sticker for your premises, please complete TheMusicLicence Sticker Request Form.

    Get a window sticker

    For most customers (unless for example it is for a one-off event), TheMusicLicence renews automatically. We will let you know in advance what royalties are due for the next licence period.

    It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay as outlined in TheMusicLicence terms and conditions.

    If you need to amend or update your music usage, please our Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay.

    Please refer to TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions for more information.

    Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your music usage.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • For most customers (unless for example it is for a one-off event), TheMusicLicence renews automatically each year. Where music is a key aspect of the business (i.e clubs, fitness etc) we will contact you to conduct a manual review to understand any changes in your music usage.

    We will let you know in advance what royalties are due for the next licence period. It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay. Please refer to TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions for more information.

    We will contact you about your licence renewal but, if you prefer, please get in touch with our Customer Service Team and an adviser will take you through your licence renewal.

    Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your music usage.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)


  • If you have been using music but your business or organisation is now closed, or is due to close, you are able to cancel you licence by writing to us. As per TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions, your licence will terminate at the end of your current licence year so long as you write to us at least one month prior to the end of your current licence year.

    Please contact Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • To change the way we contact you in the future, you will need to update your preferred communication method, please contact Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay.

    Please refer to TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions for more information.

    Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your music usage.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • If your business or organisation has new ownership, it is important to update this information on TheMusicLicence for your business.

    Please contact our Customer Service Team and we can update the information on your account and ensure that you are correctly licensed.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • If your business or organisation has changed its address, it's important that you contact us so that we can update the information on your account and ensure that you are correctly licensed.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • New customers

    If you donโ€™t currently have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation, but are planning an event that includes the playing or performing of music in public, we can arrange for a temporary permit to cover the music usage at the event.

    Please contact us to arrange a temporary permit for your event.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Existing customers

    If you already have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation and need to include an event on your music usage, we can amend your music usage in your existing licence to ensure you are legally covered for the music at your event.

    Please contact us to amend your music usage.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Charity & Community Events

    Charity and community organisations may apply for a discount against the standard royalty made for events or featured music sessions in certain circumstances.

    Before you apply for Charity and Community Discount, please make sure that you have read the qualification criteria for a possible discount.


  • New Customers

    If you donโ€™t currently have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation, but are planning an event that includes the playing or performing of music in public, we can arrange for a temporary permit to cover the music usage at the event.

    Contact us to set up TheMusicLicence.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Existing licence holders

    If you already have TheMusicLicence for your business or organisation and need to include an event on your music usage, please contact us and we can amend your music usage in your existing licence to ensure you are legally covered for the music at your event.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    Live music venues

    If you are a live music venue, or you're planning frequent events, such as music festivals, Theatre productions or pantomimes, etc. you will need to set up TheMusicLicence.

    Contact our Live Music Team to arrange TheMusicLicence.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • Charity & community organisations may apply for a discount against the standard royalty made for events or featured music sessions, in return for advertising of PPL PRS Ltd support at the event.

    Before you apply for Charity and Community Discount, please make sure that you have read the qualification criteria for a possible discount.

    Learn more

  • If you are a venue that is hosting a live event and have been asked to submit a setlist, you can do this by email or post.

    Please use the details below to send your set list to us:



    Live Music (setlist submission)
    PPL PRS Ltd
    Mercury Place
    St George's Street
    LE1 1QG


  • You can request a copy of your invoice using our online form and selecting 'Document Request'.

  • You can spread the cost of your licence with a Direct Debit.

    To set up a direct debit please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • Where businesses or organisations are using music which require a music licence, it's important to obtain and pay for TheMusicLicence so that you can use the music lawfully and so that the music creators can be fairly paid.

    If payment for TheMusicLicence has not been made by the due date outlined on your invoice, we will attempt to contact you again to remind you that payment is due. If we do not hear from you, and payment has still not been made, you may be contacted by a specialist third party debt collection agency regarding payment of the outstanding balance.

    If you have been contacted by a debt collections agency please contact them using the details they will have provided to make payment.

    If you have any questions regarding your invoice, the benefits music can bring, or the legal requirements for TheMusicLicence, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    8amโ€“6pm, Mondayโ€“Friday

  • A number of PPLโ€™s tariffs are subject to a 50% surcharge to discourage unlicensed music use and late payment of royalties, and to compensate for the associated costs.

    It's important to pay your invoice in full by the due date, otherwise a surcharge may be applied to your account if your licence is based on one of these tariffs.

    If a surcharge is applied, a separate surcharge invoice will be issued.

  • Once you have paid for your licence or arranged a direct debit, you will be legally permitted to play or perform the vast majority of commercially released music from around the world, in accordance with TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions.

    Your licence confirmation will be sent to you either via email or post (depending on your chosen communication method).

    If you would like to change your preferred communication method, please speak to Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    If you have requested to receive your communication via post, then you will receive a window sticker to show you have TheMusicLicence for your premises, which we hope you will proudly display this in your business.

    If you would like to request a sticker for your premises, please complete TheMusicLicence Sticker Request Form.

    Get a window sticker

    For most customers (unless for example it is for a one-off event), TheMusicLicence renews automatically. We will let you know in advance what royalties are due for the next licence period.

    It's important that you let us know about any changes in your music usage, as this may affect how much you need to pay as outlined in TheMusicLicence terms and conditions.

    If you need to amend or update your music usage, please our Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • PPL and PRS for Music have launched TheMusicLicence to make music licensing simpler for their customers, but they continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other.

    Those tariffs are then applied by PPL PRS Ltd when issuing TheMusicLicence to customers. PPL and PRS for Music will each continue to review the cost of their respective tariffs from time to time, but the launch of TheMusicLicence has not in itself affected the costs under those tariffs.

    If you already had both licences, then the amount you will pay will not change as a result of switching to TheMusicLicence (though it may be slightly different from what you paid previously to reflect changes in usages and any adjustments provided for by the applicable PRS for Music and PPL tariffs).

    However, some businesses or organisations may have previously only purchased one of these two licences (either from PPL or PRS for Music) even where they legally required both licences. If this applies to you, then it is likely that TheMusicLicence will cost more than you paid before, as it will give you the legal permission you need (but did not previously have) from both PPL and PRS for Music.

    View the tariffs and find out more about how the cost is calculated.

  • If you have been playing or performing music before you obtain TheMusicLicence, we may include appropriate charges for prior music usage on your invoice. This is to ensure that you are correctly licensed for that prior usage.

    Our ability to apply back charges in this way arises from the fact that playing or performing music without the appropriate licence in place is copyright infringement. Legally, business or organisations infringing copyright in this way can be liable to pay for up to six years' prior music use.

    If you have any queries about how or why a back charge has been applied, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

    We offer Direct Debit payment plans to help you spread the cost of TheMusicLicence.

  • For BACS or Faster Payment, please use our account details below, quote your Payment Reference as specified on your remittance advice:

    Barclays Bank Plc
    Account Number: 33835170
    Sort Code: 20-78-98

    Please allow the following time for payments to clear:

    BACS: 5 working days
    Faster Payment: 1 working day


    Please quote your Payment Reference as specified on your remittance advice. Without this information we are unable to process your payment.

    Need to make a payment?

  • You can spread the cost of your licence with a Direct Debit. You can either call, or pay safely and securely via sage pay by clicking 'Pay By Direct Debit'.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • If you've already been sent an invoice, you can pay for TheMusicLicence quickly and securely online via sage pay.

    Need to make a payment?

  • Pay online

    If you've already been sent an invoice, you can pay for TheMusicLicence quickly and securely online via sage pay.

    Please click on Pay Online to pay your invoice.

    Direct Debit

    You can spread the cost of your licence with a Direct Debit. Please our Customer Service Team to setup a direct debit.


    For BACS or Faster Payment, please use our account details below, quote your Payment Reference as specified on your remittance advice:

    Barclays Bank Plc
    Account Number: 33835170
    Sort Code: 20-78-98

    Please allow the following time for payments to clear:

    BACS: 5 working days
    Faster Payment: 1 working day


    Please quote your Payment Reference as specified on your remittance advice. Without this information we are unable to process your payment.

    Need to make a payment?

  • PPL and PRS for Music apply minimum fees to their tariffs. The fee is applicable as there is a cost attributable to PPL and PRS for Music for the administrative effort in licensing organisations. The minimum fee ensures these costs are not paid from the revenue collected from licensees.

    As PPL and PRS for Music continue to set their respective licensing tariffs separately from each other, the minimum fee is also set separately.

    For PPL the minimum fee is applicable to each licensee irrespective of the tariff they are licensed under. This fee increases annually in line with RPI and is currently [ยฃ59.76] plus VAT.

    PRS for Music have a minimum charge which is specific to each tariff. You are able to find the minimum charges by viewing the tariffs.

    Please note that a minimum fee is only applied to a licence once per year.

  • Your licence fee payments (or โ€œroyaltiesโ€) are based on published terms and prices (known as โ€œtariffsโ€). PPL and PRS for Music set their tariffs separately from each other, with a range of different tariffs to cater for different business types and different ways of using music.

    Certain PRS for Music tariffs may apply a 50% increase on the applicable standard rate under those tariffs for the first year of the licence. This increase, known as a Higher Royalty Rate, would only apply if you were playing music without the appropriate licence, before being contacted by PPL PRS Ltd. It is applied to help cover our costs of identifying and contacting businesses and organisations using music without a licence.

    After the first year of your licence, royalties will be payable at the applicable standard rate under the relevant tariff.

    If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Team.

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)


  • Whatever your business โ€“ coffee shop, beauty or hair salon, cocktail bar or restaurant, clothing retailer - music has the potential to enhance the experience you provide to your customers and employees.

    TheMusicLicence ensures you are legally entitled to play and perform millions of commercially-released songs and recordings, from the UK and around the world.

    However, if you're thinking of cancelling your licence, please contact our customer service team on:

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)

  • It's your responsibility to ensure that you are properly licensed for any music use taking place at your business or organisation.

    Playing or performing music without the appropriate licence could amount to copyright infringement. If we have reason to believe that you are using copyright music without an appropriate licence, then we may collect evidence.

    When taking out TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd, your rights and obligations are set out in the TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions, including your obligation to pay a royalty and to provide us with information required under the applicable tariff to assist us in calculating that royalty.

    If any payments under the licence become overdue, we will contact you by post, email or telephone. If appropriate, we may refer the account to our enforcement team or a debt collection agency. In some cases we may even terminate your licence, which may then lead to legal action for copyright infringement.

    More information is available in TheMusicLicence Terms and Conditions.

    Need more information?

  • If you have been using music but your business or organisation is now closed, or is due to close, you are able to cancel your licence by writing to us. As per TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions, your licence will terminate at the end of your current licence year so long as you write to us at least one month prior to the end of your current licence year.

    Please contact Client Services.

    Speak to our friendly team today

    (8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)


  • PPL PRS Ltd was created to provide customers with a streamlined music licensing service โ€“ TheMusicLicence โ€“ with a single point of contact to make it easier to legally play and perform music in public. PPL PRS Ltd is equally owned by PPL and PRS for Music.

    PPL PRS Ltd started trading in 2018. Prior to 2018, businesses and organisations would have had to purchase two separate licences from PPL andย PRS for Musicย instead.

  • PPL PRS collect royalties on behalf of our parent companies when their membersโ€™ work is played or performed in public. PPL and PRS for Music will continue to represent their members and take enquiries relating to membership and royalties.

    Are you a music creator?

  • We are a passionate team who truly believe in protecting the value of music. So, if youโ€™re a determined individual who is dedicated to providing quality customer service, solving problems and seeing projects through to completion, you sound like our kind of Band Member.

    You can learn more about working for PPL PRS and view our vacancies online.

    Interested in working with us?

  • If you know of a business that you believe to be playing or performing music without a valid music licence, you can let us know.

  • PPL andย PRS for Musicย are both collective management organisations. They issue licences and collect royalties for certain uses of copyright-protected music, on behalf of their many hundreds of thousands of members. They then distribute those royalties to members.

    PPL represents record companies and performers for the use of recorded music, whileย PRS for Musicย represents songwriters, composers and music publishers for the use of musical compositions and lyrics (for both recorded music and live performances).

    PPL andย PRS for Music set up PPL PRS Ltd to offer a single joint music licence, on behalf of them both, for playing and performing music in public (see โ€˜What does playing music โ€˜in publicโ€™ mean?โ€™).


  • What is Feefo?

    Feefo is an independent and trusted ratings and review platform that PPL PRS are working with to collect feedback and reviews from our customers. You can find out more about Feefo on their website.

    Why have PPL PRS chosen to use Feefo?

    Feefo manage customer reviews on our behalf and ensure that only reviews from verified customers are collected. This means that we can use the feedback from our customers to help improve our services, and for other customers to see how the experience with our team at PPL PRS has been.

    What is the process?

    You will be sent an email from PPL PRS letting you know that Feefo will be in touch to gather your feedback and review. Feefo will then send you a review request via email โ€“ you just need to answer the questions and leave your feedback.

    Our Customer Experience Team will monitor all feedback and use it to improve our service going forwards. If necessary, they will also be in touch with you directly to learn more about your experience.

    How can I opt out?

    Once you receive a review request from Feefo there is an option to unsubscribe at the bottom of the email. By following the instructions, you will be opted out of further review requests via Feefo from PPL PRS.

    Are the reviews shown on your website from real customers?

    Yes, they are โ€“ our aim is to deliver the best music licensing experience we can, and therefore want to hear from our customers. All reviews collected via Feefo are from real customers sharing their experience of the service that they received from the team at PPL PRS.

Need more help?

We recommend using our online help first but if you’d still rather get in touch, you can contact us below: