How to achieve deep focus

Deep focus

Dazed, delirious and distracted. Does that sound like you? Do you ever get to 3pm and wonder where the day has gone and why there aren’t more things crossed off your to-do list?
Don’t worry, everyone feels like that sometimes. But, there are some very simple things that you can do to improve your deep focus and in turn boost your productivity.

What it is and How to Achieve it

Deep focus, otherwise known as deep work, is a state of mind where you can concentrate solely on one task. It is when you remove all other distractions and thoughts, enabling your brain to work at the highest possible level of intensity that it can. It is, in essence, the opposite of procrastination.

Shallow work, on the other hand, is when your attention is divided across a whole load of different tasks. It’s like when you have your emails, your Twitter page, and a half-finished list of bullet points in front of you all at once. It becomes easy to flit from one task to the other and lose what you really set out to do.

Most of us are likely to fill the majority of our day with shallow work, primarily because it’s just easy to do. The reality is though, that the bigger, more immersive tasks need doing, and they are more likely to require our undivided attention.

Giving both shallow and deep tasks the right amount of attention requires a specific way of thinking, and that’s why it takes work. So, here are some tips to get you started:

1. Prepare yourself

If you’ve got a big project to work on, or a deep piece of work at the top of your to do list, preparation could be your best friend. Making sure that you have everything you need in place before you get started is vital, so that you can avoid having to get up and lose focus along the way.

Blocking off the right amount of your time in the calendar is vital, but always remember that deep tasks can take longer than you might expect. Make sure you leave time to make amends, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get a big task done in a small amount of time. If you leave too little time, your brain might start wandering onto what’s coming next, and you’ll lose focus.

person holding notepad and pen flat lay photography

2. Listen to music

Listening to music whilst working can bring several benefits, not only in improving our mood but also in increasing productivity. Music that you know and enjoy listening to has a great effect on the brain, notably improving your focus.

It all happens because unfamiliar music can act as a distraction as your brain attempts to take in new information and sounds. Plus, research suggests that music you enjoy stimulates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, making getting through your to-do list more enjoyable.

Music without any lyrics is also proven to be beneficial, as words can be incredibly distracting to some people. A UK study found that general background noise isn’t the main contributory factor when it comes to a loss of focus in deep tasks, and it actually depends on how intelligible the words are. For some people it’s the words that break our concentration, as we stop to think about what they mean.


3. Take a break

Achieving a deep level of focus is incredibly rewarding and can make your day a whole lot more productive, but it can also be exhausting to work for a prolonged period of time, which can cause you to also be less efficient. That’s why it’s still important to take breaks.

Naturally, our brains wander, whether it’s because we’re bored or because we’re getting tired. Even thinking about what we’re having for dinner can be more exciting than the deep work we’ve buried our heads in, so it’s important to have some down time and make the most of it.

Make sure that you schedule your breaks in properly and use them to their fullest. Whether you need to grab a snack or spend ten minutes chatting to a friend, just make sure that you’re really taking a break from all work.

shallow focus photography of white ceramic mug beside two baked cookies on brown wooden board


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