- Who is PPL PRS Ltd?
PPL PRS Ltd was created to provide customers with a streamlined music licensing service – TheMusicLicence – with a single point of contact to make it easier to legally play and perform music in public. PPL PRS Ltd is equally owned by PPL and PRS for Music.
PPL PRS Ltd started trading in 2018. Prior to 2018, businesses and organisations would have had to purchase two separate licences from PPL and PRS for Music instead.
- Who is PPL and PRS for Music?
PPL and PRS for Music are both collective management organisations. They issue licences and collect royalties for certain uses of copyright-protected music, on behalf of their many hundreds of thousands of members. They then distribute those royalties to members.
PPL represents record companies and performers for the use of recorded music, while PRS for Music represents songwriters, composers and music publishers for the use of musical compositions and lyrics (for both recorded music and live performances).
PPL and PRS for Music set up PPL PRS Ltd to offer a single joint music licence, on behalf of them both, for playing and performing music in public (see ‘What does playing music ‘in public’ mean?’).
- What happens once I have paid for TheMusicLicence?
Once you have paid for your licence or arranged a direct debit, you will be legally permitted to play or perform the vast majority of commercially released music from around the world, in accordance with the terms outlined in your tariffs and TheMusicLicence Terms & Conditions.
Your licence confirmation will be sent to you either via email or post (depending on your chosen communication method).
If you would like to change your preferred communication method, please speak to Client Services.
Speak to our friendly team today
(8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)
- What does playing music ‘in public’ mean?
Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those who create, record and publish music – in order to play or perform music in public.
Broadly speaking, this includes any presentation of music outside of a domestic setting. For example, it will include using music in the following ways as part of your business or organisation (for the benefit of customers and/or employees): playing recorded music via any device including the radio, TV broadcasts such as sports or other audio-visual content containing music; or putting on live performances of music.
There are a range of tariffs to cover the different uses of music across various venue types. However, the use of this music will require permission from the copyright holders and TheMusicLicence will give you that permission, covering the vast majority of commercially released music.
- Is it illegal to play commercial music in my shop or store without TheMusicLicence?
If you play or perform music in your shop or store, the chances are you need TheMusicLicence.
Under The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public.
Obtaining TheMusicLicence gives you this permission, in relation to the vast majority of available music. This ranges from grassroots and independent artists and composers through to the biggest names in the business.
- How can I play music in my shop?
You can play music in your shops and stores in different ways. Whether it’s playing background music for your customers via digital devices or by tuning into the radio. You can play music in the following ways:
- Radio & TV
- Streaming services - this may require a commercial streaming service. Before using platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube etc, please check that their terms & conditions allow for commercial use before playing music in your restaurant or café.
- CDs, MP3s & other recordings
- Live Music
- I already have a TV licence, why do I need TheMusicLicence for my shop?
It is easy to forget that music is used all the time within TV programmes, advertisements during commercial breaks and other broadcasts.
TheMusicLicence gives you permission to use the music contained in television programmes . A TV licence only allows you to receive the broadcast signal for the television. If you wish to use the TV in public, such as your business premises you will need TheMusicLicence (see ‘What does playing music ‘in public’ mean?’).
- The music is only for employees in my store, do I still need TheMusicLicence?
Even if you are only playing music in your shops and stores for employees, you’ll usually need TheMusicLicence.
Music that's played outside of a domestic environment is classed as a public performance, even if the music can only be heard by employees in the staff areas in your store.
TheMusicLicence gives you permission to play music in your business or organisation for your employees.
If you're unsure about whether you need a licence, please contact us.
Speak to our friendly team today
(8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)
- Where does the money go after I've paid my shops & stores music licence fee?
Your music licence fees are distributed to music creators via PPL and PRS for Music.
- How do they distribute the royalties from my shops & stores music licence fee?
PPL and PRS For Music receive reporting and information on recorded music played by the TV broadcasters, radio stations, music suppliers and UK businesses that they license. In some cases, this information is provided on a track-by-track basis, which is then reviewed against the data they hold to identify the applicable performers and recording rightsholders members whom they should pay.
Where it is not feasible to receive track-by-track usage information, such as from smaller TV and radio stations and businesses, they use a combination of methods to identify the music that has been played. This includes the use of data captured at the point of licensing and through market surveys (in relation to the types of music used by different types of customers).
Shops & Stores Music Licence
Listen to music carefree while your customers enjoy their shopping spree.
Playing music in your business has never been easier. From enhancing your shop’s atmosphere to creating a welcoming environment in your store. Whether you’re playing background music for customers on the shop floor or in back-office areas for staff, you’ll usually need a music licence from PPL PRS.
In order to play or perform music in public within your shops and stores you may need TheMusicLicence. This ensures permission is granted from the relevant copyright holders in relation to the vast majority of commercially available music.

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Do I need a music licence for my shop or store?
You might not realise it but music is protected by copyright, and businesses and organisations have to get permission from the music creators to play or perform their works in public (see FAQ ‘What does playing music ‘in public’ mean?’).
TheMusicLicence allows you to legally play music for customers and employees in your shops and stores through the radio, TV and other digital devices and even live performances and specially featured entertainment.
By obtaining TheMusicLicence you’ll be able to play virtually all commercially released music legally and enjoy its benefits whilst ensuring that its creators are fairly rewarded for their work.
Take stock ... & turn it up!
Like most businesses, you want yours to be the best it can be. Whether this is the through the products you stock, the prices you offer or the locations in which you are based.
So, why not provide the best experience?
These days standing out from your competition is about much more than just how your business operates. It’s about the whole customer experience and music can be part of this experience. Let’s take a look at why you should playing music in your shops and stores today.

Music & customer experience
Let’s consider your shops overall look and feel. What do you think are the most important features to enhance your customers experience?
Colours, fragrance, lighting? 21%1 of people choose music as the most important sensory stimulant when creating a positive shopping experience.
Consequently, music can play an important role in your customers experience, it could enhance your atmosphere, lift the mood and create an environment that people enjoy.
We have had a whole year to evaluate the use of music for our business. Our team enjoy it and so do most of our customers, often getting comments such as ‘it’s really cheerful in here etc’.”Head Case Curious, Southsea
Customers identify with brands that are relatable. If you want your store to seem more relatable, playing music in your shops is an easy accessible way to do so. It could ensure your store retains its fresh and vibrant feel, whilst leaving customers feeling more engaged with your products and make their visit more memorable as a result.
Did you know 66% of people that we surveyed agreed that they enjoy visiting businesses where music was played?2
- A survey of 2,101 UK respondents by Perspectus Global in September 2021.
- Research performed by PPL PRS in relation to TheMusicLicence, Feb – Mar 2020.
Music & increased revenue
Increased revenue, now we’re singing from the same hymn sheet.
While playing music could help to improve your customers shopping experience, it could also influence their spending habits.
So, let’s set the spending mood in your shops and stores by creating the right atmosphere. The music you play could reflect a certain season or occasion and encourage customers to make relatable purchases as a response.
Music creates a relaxing environment allowing people to browse for longer. Music keeps staff motivated through the day.”Yachtmail Chandlery, Lymington
The right atmosphere can create a more welcoming environment and could encourage your customers to stay in your store for longer, the longer time spent in your shop means more considered purchases and this may result in them spending more money overall.
66%1 of UK adults say that the type of music a shop or business plays influences what they buy. This is reflected in one of the UK’s favourite genres… Pop. 35%1 of customers said that they feel more inclined to buy extravagant clothes and accessories, like a designer pair of trainers if pop plays.
- A survey of 2,101 UK respondents by Perspectus Global in September 2021.
Music & brand awareness
Just like your business, music is unique. A tailored soundtrack could help to give your shops and stores an identity, whilst defining your brand and establishing consistency throughout your business.
To stand out and develop lasting connections with your customers, playing music could generate a buzz and excitement that’s outside the scope of your shop’s primary goods or services.
Furthermore, playing the right soundtrack could reflect both your customers and your staff. By learning which style of music heightens that ‘feelgood’ factor at different times, and you could create a space which is as much known for its atmosphere as it is for its excellent service.
The music we use in store improves the atmosphere whilst creating the ambience that our customers can relate to. ”The Running Company, Chichester
Music & employee engagement
How can playing music in my shops keep my employees engaged and motivated?
Firstly, having a positive and uplifting environment is vital to keep your employees more engaged and focused. For instance, playing different genres and artists at different times in the day could lead to higher productivity, improving concentration and motivation.
Secondly, music could help to create a friendly and more welcoming atmosphere which could help to drive collaboration with colleagues and interaction with customers, as a result, potentially leading to improved levels of service and a better customer experience overall.
In conclusion, playing music could improve efficiency and quality of work but it can also improve employee satisfaction and potentially make your staff feel more valued if you are not currently playing music in your shops and stores.

How much does a music licence for a shop or store cost?
The cost of TheMusicLicence depends on a number of factors in your shop or store, including how you use music in your day-to-day operations, whether that be for background purposes or other usages such as music on hold. Here are some examples:
Background music
Starts from...Music on hold
Starts from...*All cost examples are subject to change
Quote Checklist
Before contacting us, please ensure you’ve read our Quote Checklist for each section that is applicable to you, and have the relevant information ready so we can provide an accurate quote for your workplace music licence.
Background music
- The areas where music is played, such as the shop floor and office areas.
- The square meterage of each area where music is audible.
Specially featured entertainment events
- Number, capacity, duration and attendance of events held per year.
- The square meterage of each area where such events are held.
Music videos
- Number of TV screens music videos are played on.
Telephone music on hold
- Details of any telephone on hold music.
Shops & Stores FAQs
Get a quote
If you’ve got all your information ready, please contact us or complete our Get TheMusicLicence form to arrange a quote.
Call us on 0116 290 0525
(8am-6pm, Monday-Friday)
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Thinking about playing music in your shop or store and want to know more?
What is TheMusicLicence?
What is TheMusicLicence
Do I need a music licence?
Do I need a music licence?
Where does my money go?
Where does my money go?
How do I get TheMusicLicence?
Call us on 0116 290 0525
(8am to 6pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday)
Alternatively you can complete the online form and an adviser will be in touch.